Maija from Freely Forward Bodywork talks about the importance of a digital presence and its effect on business growth

A mistake we often see equestrian businesses make is not utilising all the digital platforms available to them. Not only is a professional website integral to a successful business, but it’s also important to leverage a variety of social media channels, to ensure you reach as many of your target audience as possible.

An equestrian entrepreneur who knows all about the importance of a social media presence is equine therapist Maija from Freely Forward Bodywork. With a combined following of over 115k across her various platforms, it’s safe to say that she knows a thing or two about social media marketing!

Launched in 2020 with the goal of helping riders recognise and overcome tension in their horse’s body, Maija has, in just three years, created an incredible social media community. She has seen countless pieces of content go viral, with her daily tips inspiring both her loyal following and hundreds of thousands more within the equestrian industry. We were lucky enough to have a chat with Maija about the benefits of producing content for multiple channels, the ‘science’ of going viral, and the impact her enormous following has had on her business.

EQuerry / Co: What social media channels do you currently use for your business, and which of these have you found most effective for reaching a large audience?

Maija: I use Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, with my primary focus being on Instagram. I do have a small presence on Youtube and Pinterest as well. Every social media channel has its pros and cons, personally, I found Instagram to be the most effective to build an audience, but I think all of them can be useful with the right knowledge of how they work. 

EQuerry / Co: Do you see a notable difference in the type of audience you reach and the way in which they engage with you on different channels?

Maija: Yes, I do. Instagram tends to be more engaging and community-building. I feel like I have a real relationship with my followers. I have found that it’s harder to stay in front of people on other platforms, which leads to fewer relationships. 

EQuerry / Co: Do you find it important to cultivate a community on social media platforms?

Maija: I do! It’s my main focus actually. I want my followers to feel like I am a friend they can go to with questions. I really enjoy my community, especially on Instagram, my followers are incredibly kind and supportive. 

EQuerry / Co: Do you find it is completely random which content goes viral, or do these posts usually contain certain elements?

Maija: Absolutely not, there is a science to going viral- but, there is not a perfect way to predict how much people are going to engage in a certain piece of content. I find having a piece of visually appealing content with value, such as a tip, is really engaging to my followers. 


Image: Bethany P Photography


Image: Bethany P Photography

EQuerry / Co: Your content is obviously very engaging and educational for social media users, but do you think it has helped you to grow your business in terms of revenue?

Maija: Absolutely, the level of success my business has had this past year was completely due to my social media. It exceeded my wildest dreams! 

EQuerry / Co: You currently use both social media and a website as marketing channels, but we're intrigued to know: which came first? And how quickly did you decide you needed both?

Maija: I set my website up first actually, then my social media. I think of a website as a foundation for your virtual presence- it’s where people can return to time and time again, and it’s really stable. You invest time and money into it once, and you should continue to update it, but it’s a lot less of a constant time drain than social media is. However, I found it easier to get in front of people and build relationships on social media because it’s literally social. Websites are harder to do that with. 


EQuerry / Co: If you were to receive any negative comments or feedback from social media users, how would you handle that?

Maija: I do get negative comments occasionally! When I first started it really bothered me, but it doesn’t phase me now. Generally, my community defends me before I even see the comment, which is very kind, but otherwise, I just ignore it. I feel like if they feel so bad about themselves that they took the time out of their day to say something mean to someone on the internet, that’s their problem, not mine. 

EQuerry / Co: If you were to go back and rebuild your social media platforms from scratch, is there anything you would have done differently?

Maija: I would have started taking it seriously earlier! Having a following has opened doors for me that I never dreamed were possible. 


EQuerry / Co: Do you think having your own website has been important to your business?

Maija: Absolutely! Having a website brings a level of professionalism to my brand that is really valuable, and it serves my audience because they can go through and find FAQs, check out free resources that I offer, and get in contact with me depending on requirements or requests you might have. 


EQuerry / Co: As a whole, the equestrian industry has been quite slow to digitalise and get online. Do you think it is important for horse businesses to use this online space so that they can grow?

Maija: I do. The more we can share information and collaborate with each other, the better off our horses will be. 

EQuerry / Co: We know users invest in people they know, like, and trust. Do you think your digital presence has helped the discoverability and growth of your business?

Maija: 100%! Having a consistent digital presence allows for cultivating a community, which above all allows for business growth.


Image: Bethany P Photography


Image: Bethany P Photography


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