Building a Stand-Out Brand

Anyone can start a business. But when everyone is trying to make a name for themselves, it is a killer branding strategy that’ll set you apart from the pack. It is vital to get your equine branding just right so that people know exactly who you are, and what you're about from the get-go.

Your brand identity is the foundation of your equine business, it needs to be memorable, communicate your values and convey the feeling that you want to achieve with your product/service.

Here’s how to do it:

Work out your positioning

What problem are you solving with your business? Why is your business the first port of call when someone has this problem? Why are you the BEST choice?

You need to be clear on your answers before you jump into your branding, and to find out the answers, you’ll need to do some research. You should look into your competitors to see what they're offering and how your offering is different. You should also research your current audience and your target consumer which will help you to establish a strategy to attract the right people.

Determine your tagline and imagery

You need a memorable, informative message to accompany the imagery of your brand that will convey exactly what your business is all about. We start with a short, snappy sentence or phrase, and build from there.

Your message needs to be coherent throughout your imagery and content, so make sure you spend enough time on this step!

Stick to your decisions

Keeping your branding the same across all platforms and all areas is SO important whilst your business is gaining recognition! People need to be familiarised with your branding until they could pick it out in a crowd and instantly recognise you.

Consistency is the way to success, so other than perhaps tweaking the smallest of details every so often if you feel you need an update, try to stick to the same path once you have started on it with your branding!

Live it

Throw yourself into your brand, disseminate your branding across platforms with all the gusto you would present your product or service with to someone standing in front of you!

Curate a social media presence that is completely aligned with your branding, message and values. Follow influencers in your field and related businesses, make the most of your digital reach!

Don’t be afraid to add some personality and go against the grain a little. Get people talking about your brand, as opposed to your competitors’.

Review and evaluate what works

It's boring but it's necessary! Keep checking in on what is working best for your business, what parts of your branding are really successful and what isn't making as much impact? Before updating anything you need to look at the data and see what's working!

We can assist with all aspects of brand and business development, including brand strategies, identity and logo design, and brand collateral such as flyers, brochures, adverts and more. Our photographer is also able to assist with any photography, videography and drone imagery or video requirements you might have. Get in touch here to learn more.


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